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- Art work1
- Audio90
- Book18
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- Aboriginal Australians 1
- Bass, George, 1771-1803 1
- Bellambi Coal Company 1
- Coal mines and mining 1
- Discoveries in geography 2
- Environmental protection 2
- Farmers 1
- Flinders, Matthew, 1774-1814 1
- Guidebooks 1
- Illawarra (N.S.W.) -- Description and travel 1
- Land grants 1
- Land tenure 1
- New South Wales -- Bulli 1
- New South Wales -- Illawarra 18
- New South Wales -- Shoalhaven 1
- New South Wales -- Throsby's Track 1
- O'Brien, Cornelius 1
- Railroads 1
- Roads 1
- Travel 1
- University of Wollongong 1
- Wildlife conservation 2
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- Document1379
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- Church history 30
- Coal mine accidents 19
- Education 2
- Mount Kembla Colliery (N.S.W.) 17
- New South Wales -- Illawarra 1379
- Nursing 7
- Performing arts 180
- Public schools 2
- Roads -- Surveying 7
- Surveying 7
- Television broadcasting 1119
- Television stations 1119
- Theaters 180
- University of Wollongong 22
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- Journal1102
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- Maps and Plans3
- Photograph1847
- Subject...
- Church history 158
- Coal mine accidents 128
- Coal mines and mining 168
- Coke Industry 1
- Coke industry 88
- Education 116
- Environmental protection 7
- Hospitals, Convalescent 48
- Mount Kembla Colliery (N.S.W.) 126
- New South Wales -- Illawarra 1847
- Public schools 116
- Roads -- Surveying 47
- Soldiers' homes 48
- South Coast Red Cross Convalescent Home (Bomaderry, N.S.W.) 48
- Southern Coal Company of New South Wales Limited 79
- Surveying 47
- University of Wollongong 1182
- Veterans 48
- Wildlife conservation 7
- World War (1914-1918) 48
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- Photograph Album1
- Postcard22
- Poster60
- Video981
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- Geotags 24
- OCR 2575
- Recollections/Stories 12
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